Sunday, May 31, 2020

Everything Candidates Need to Find Find a Job

Everything Candidates Need to Find Find a Job So, you want to find a job, but what exactly do you need? If you use a combination of various methods and tactics for finding a position, it will increase your options, expand your networking pool and decrease your overall search time. There are three main steps to each job search: preparation, searching and staying positive. Preparation involves resume work and cleaning up your social media presence, searching is all about knowing how and where to search (and network) whereas staying positive is exactly that remember not to take rejection personally! College Atlas have all the rest of the answers in their infographic below! Takeaways: Make sure you resume is up to date. Clean up your Facebook profile remove offensive content and add good quality postings. 11% of job seekers find a job through an agency or firm. For every 100 resumes you submit, on average, youll get 10 interview opportunities. Remember to be patient, and learn from your mistakes! RELATED:  3 Ways to Stay Cool in Interviews and Get Your Dream Job

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Resume Writing Services For Grand Rapids MI

Resume Writing Services For Grand Rapids MIWhen looking for a place to work with a professional resume writing service in Grand Rapids MI, you should carefully evaluate the type of resume writing service you are seeking. One of the most important parts of the job is understanding the different types of resume writing services and what they offer.You should first make sure the company offers a variety of different resume writing services. Some companies only offer one or two different formats of the document. It can be a mistake to go with a one size fits all resume writing service.Not all different resume writing services offer the same things. It is important to make sure you find one that has a number of different formats that are ideal for your job. You should also make sure they are able to format documents that are specific to certain industries.The vast majority of employers would rather see a resume that is well designed and professionally presented. An applicant who understan ds how to market themselves correctly and prepare their resume in advance will stand out. Employers want to hire people who understand what they are offering and will present it correctly.One of the best places to search for different resume writing services in Grand Rapids MI is on the internet. Most of the writing companies offer free samples of their work and you can see if they offer the professional styles that you require.It is a good idea to speak with a few different companies before making a final decision. They will offer you a sample of their work as well as an estimate on how long it will take to complete your resume. Make sure you feel confident in their work and that they understand what you need them to do for you.Many times there are many variations of the job that you will need to know what is needed so that the writer can work with the format that is needed for your work. Many times there are gaps that do not translate well and if there is more than one candidate y ou need to know what format will work best for you. This can save you time and money when you are applying for multiple positions.It is important to find the different resume writing services available in Grand Rapids MI. You should find a resume writing service that will be able to tailor a resume for your industry and meet your expectations. You should also find a resume writing service that will be able to offer you multiple formats so that you can write a great resume that will get you the best interview.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

6 Reasons Why Grad Life Isnt So Scary

6 Reasons Why Grad Life Isnt So Scary From a young age we have the idea of the real world hammered into our brains. The real world  where you have to pay taxes. The real world where if youre late, you wont get another chance to pitch to a client, or where you work at a dead-end job in an office  with a bloke named Barry who always says something inappropriate at Friday drinks. Chances are youre waiting to graduate with an impeding sense of dread for  this real world which sounds like its going to unnervingly  consume you as soon as youre handed that scroll at your graduation ceremony. The first thing you need to do is to forget the notion of real world. Yes, you may have been living in a student bubble away from the scary monsters named Tax, Responsibilities The 9-to-5,    but youve been living in the real world this whole time without realising it. Graduate life really isnt as scary as everyone makes it out to be (although  responsibilities can sometimes jump out and surprise you when you least expect  it eek). Here are my top 6 reasons why graduate life isnt as scary as you might think: 1. Yes, you actually do have experience The idea of interviews, job applications CVs can be a scary thought after youve graduated. If youre one of the clever ones, youll have done some work experience or internships during your study holidays. If not, dont fret being a student teaches you more than how to wing a dissertation when youve had 3 hours sleep. Youve got solid proof  that youve stuck something out for three years. Your assignments took a certain levels of experience and knowledge, and the lectures and seminars you attended definitely help out with processing your learnings. When applying for jobs, make sure you portray these transferable skills. 2. Youve got  a degree On top of everything else you learnt at university, youve got yourself a degree! Its no easy feat to complete your studies, so its something to be proud of. The job market is a competitive one, so having a degree under your belt can help you stand out above the rest. It also boosts your credibility when it comes to completing a goal, as youve stuck it out for 3 years and  have something to prove it! 3. Believe or not, theres a job out there you might love Graduate schemes and entry level jobs are shoved down the throats of graduates which sends the entire student population into a frenzy.  But STOP! Graduate schemes are awesome for many people but its not the only option for graduates. There are so many opportunities out there, whether thats in start ups, creative roles or just entry-level jobs. If youre lucky enough to be in a position to accept an internship with a company you love, then do it. But until that day comes,  remember that you you will eventually find a job you love, even if it takes a while. 4. Life-long vocations are not really a thing anymore Sometimes graduates feel as though they need to choose their exact career in the moment of graduation. Now, years ago this may have been the case. Workers would get a job and probably stay in the same industry for their whole life. These days, careers are much more fluid. Its no longer frowned upon to change jobs and move around. So dont be afraid that your first job is going to be your job for life. The transferable skills you learn can take you anywhere you wish to go. 5. Everyone else  is finding their way too If you feel like youre floating around in an unknown sea waiting to find a desert island called First Job, look closely enough and youll see the bobbing heads of thousands of other graduates in the same position as you. It can be quite a hard time and its easy to feel lonely, but remember that your peers are probably in exactly the same position as you. Grab on to them and youll soon wash up on land; talking to your peers can help out. 6. Routines are great If youre about to graduate and have become accustomed to the sweet 3-hour days that university brings, a 9-to-5 job can seem absurd. How do people last for THAT many hours without having a midday nap? Well, believe it or not a routine is actually good for your health. Its also easier than you may think, and if youre a serial napper, youve always got the weekend! Do you have any other reasons why graduate life isnt that scary? Let us know in the comments below. Main image credit: Shutterstock

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Seattle Career Counselor Personality Type and Career - VocationVillage

Seattle Career Counselor Personality Type and Career - VocationVillage I interviewed Seattle career counselor Kate Nelson about personality type and career. Ms. Nelson is an expert in using the personality assessment, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), to assist people with choosing work that is a good fit for their personality.Seattle Career Counselor Kate NelsonKate, for readers not familiar with the MBTI, please tell us what the MBTI is and what it measures.The MBTI is an assessment that is based upon the work of Dr. Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. It consists of 16 different types of “genetic imprints” â€" aspects of inborn personality preferences, including ways of focusing energy, taking in information, deciding, and organizing one’s life in response to demands that are part of everyday life for all of us.In your experience, are people happier if they choose work congruent with their type?Absolutely. Knowing your type is valuable in understanding and choosing WHY you work. It can also help to explain any dissatisfaction you might have with your current employment.How do people determine their real preferences vs. socially constructed ones (created because of pressure from families, schools, work settings, etc.)?During an MBTI interpretation with a career counselor professionally trained to help clients with the MBTI, the test taker is encouraged to reflect on questions which help determine if their recorded type is their “true type.” This is important to understand, as we are all faced with environmental pressures that can alter how we respond. The key is to deeply consider your true preferences â€" what has been true for you since childhood â€" in spite of environmental pressures. This can take time to sort out, but a counselor who is familiar with the MBTI can make it well worth the effort.Can you give us a sample of how knowing your MBTI type should influence decision-making? For example, suppose a client is an INTJ. What would that tell us? At first glance, we know that a person with a preference for INTJ likes to have time to consider things, enjoys working on complex, challenging assignments, appreciates deadlines and working toward a goal, focuses on work tasks (rather than on work colleagues) and probably thinks they can do a better job than most people (and they may be right!). In addition, an INTJ has a dominant preference for introverted intuition. This is something that most people don’t see because introverts use their dominant function in their preferred world, the inner world. Dominant introverted intuition represents a great strength of foresight, of somehow knowing what might (or should) happen before others do and not always knowing how they know.On the other hand, INTJ’s often find it difficult to deal with people’s emotions and generally dislike work tasks that involve interacting heavily with other people, such as in fundraising or other activities that require the daily use of interacting sociall y with others.In addition, the middle two letters of your MBTI code are especially important in choosing a career. There are four possibilities: ST, SF, NT and NF. Dr. Jung referred to these as the “mental processes” and they point the way toward work that is meaningful and satisfying for a particular type.  These are some of the characteristics that can help an INTJ to make career choices that will utilize their strengths more effectively.Does someones type change over time or is it fairly reliable?Type can change over time, usually due to stressors and environmental demands, but it is usually stable for most people. As a person increases in self-awareness, the process of understanding their type becomes clearer. When a preference changes, it is often easily understood after some thoughtful reflection.The MBTI is part of a larger theory that Dr. Jung developed which addresses the human life span. He believed that people begin to develop their less-preferred functions at mid-lif e, which often accounts for activities that people take up in later life that reflect new interests and frequently involve the use of their “shadow”. For example, a lifelong creative writer and wordsmith might become interested in building birdhouses in their retirement years, indicating a shift from a preference for intuition toward one of sensing. They will always prefer using their intuition, but sensing functions become more integrated in their lives. According to Dr. Jung’s theory, the integration of inborn preferences is one of the developmental tasks of being human. If someone wants to hire you for consulting about the MBTI, what is the first step?You can visit my website at to get a sense of how I work. I’ve tried to answer many of the questions that people usually have when they consider hiring a career counselor. If you think we might be a “good fit,” you can email me using Kate (insert @ sign) or call me at (206) 525-6939 to discuss how we might work together.Thank you, Kate!If you would like to see the type of MBTI assessment you can purchase through Katharine Nelson or any qualified MBTI practitioner, here is a sample MBTI report offered by the assessment publisher CPP.. Katharine (Kate) Nelson has worked as a counselor for over 30 years in academic and private practice settings. She has worked as a senior staff mental health/career counselor at the University of Washington Counseling Center for over 20 years, and as a counselor and instructor in the community college setting, both in California and Washington State. Ms. Nelson received her M.S. in Counseling from California State University, Long Beach. She is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Washington), a National Certified Counselor and National Certified Career Counselor and a Master Career Counselor. She taught in the University of Washington Career Development Certificate Program for many years and earned the “Award for Teaching Excellence” in 2001. Ms. Nelson has also worked in a number of educational and business settings as a career management and career development consultant to corporations, as well as non-profit organizations. Visit h er website at

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Write a Resume With Purpose and Style

How to Write a Resume With Purpose and StyleIt is important to begin the process of resume writing with a good idea of what your objective is. You should have a clear and defined goal in mind when you begin to write a resume. This will help you narrow down the topics that you want to cover, make a more effective resume, and increase your chances of landing the job.Knowing what your likely goal is going to be during the interview process will help you write a more professional resume. Make sure that your resume covers every major skill area. When you are writing your resume you should always start at the top and work your way down. Keep in mind that the reason that you are applying for a position is because you are interested in working in that particular field.To start with, get yourself familiar with the types of jobs that you may want to consider and how these jobs will require you to gain new skills. In other words, a nurse might not need to learn to use a computer or use an onlin e marketing campaign to start. Instead, she will want to know the basics of nursing such as how to call for assistance and when to ask for help. Knowing the details of what is required to qualify for the job is the first step to writing a great resume. You can also learn more about new job openings that are available through your area's school district.The next common problem is that most people tend to use the same format on their resumes for each job that they apply for. While this is OK if you are applying for jobs that you think are the same field or have the same requirements, it does not seem to work for all other jobs. The proper format should be different depending on what the company is looking for.There is also the common format for the type of work that you do. For example, in a medical setting, your resume should cover the types of experience that you have had with the medical field. Some people who are applying for positions in a medical office may be asked about their work history and only need to mention what they have done in the past. Other medical professionals may need to include much more detailed information on the medical office positions that they have held.When you are working to craft a great resume for Madison NJ, you will also want to consider what types of skills are required in the job. For example, certain types of jobs will require someone to be trained while others will just need a basic understanding of the work. These types of specific jobs will be listed in the specific section of the resume.Finally, when you are considering what types of skills and experiences you will need in a medical background, you should think about any special talents that you might have. For example, you might have a degree in clinical psychology, but you could also be an excellent photographer. It is important to state that when you are applying for a job that there are special talents that you possess, so that the employer will know that you are the best person for the job.When you are writing a resume for Madison NJ, you should focus on the job that you want and the experience that you have had with a specific career field. By concentrating on these two things, you will be able to get your resume written quickly and easily, without having to spend a lot of time on the details. You will also end up with a resume that stands out from the rest of the resumes that you see on the market.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How To Make Sure That Your Isef Writing Skills Resume Or Cover Letter Will Stand Out From The Crowd

How To Make Sure That Your Isef Writing Skills Resume Or Cover Letter Will Stand Out From The CrowdIs your Isef writing skills resume or cover letter standing out from the rest? Your Isef writing skills are truly what set you apart from other applicants. If you want to have a chance at a job, your Isef writing skills are the first things that you need to work on.You know how difficult it is to write a good cover letter. Is it because you haven't mastered the art of the headline? Or you aren't a very good writer? Maybe you simply aren't very creative when you write.But even with all of this in mind, you still want to impress an employer when he or she looks at your resume. Of course, you're going to want to make sure that the employer sees your cover letter and resume and then picks you for an interview. But this is only one thing that you need to focus on.Before you send out your Isef writing skills resume or cover letter, make sure that you are going over it several times. Really ex amine what you have written and even ask other applicants what they think about it. Remember, there are many things that your resume can do to separate you from the crowd.But while you're editing your Isef writing skills resume or cover letter, make sure that you are also ensuring that you are putting some thought into what you write. For example, you can always refer back to your cover letter to see if there is anything that you need to change. You might say something like, 'I'm glad that you enjoyed my Isef writing skills resume or cover letter so much. I believe you'll be happy with this next draft.'This is definitely a way to turn a mediocre Isef writing skills resume or cover letter into a strong one. Just don't become too reliant on the idea that just because your resume or cover letter is good, you are certain to get the job.Before you send out your Isef writing skills resume or cover letter, always look for places where you can improve. Make sure that you are putting some ti me into looking over it and think about it. Think about it a lot and give yourself plenty of time to take it to the next level.Hopefully, after you take the time to send out your Isef writing skills resume or cover letter, it will already stand out from the crowd. However, the rest is up to you.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

NEWS Local - New South Wales, Australia - Jane Jackson Career

NEWS Local - New South Wales, Australia - Jane Jackson Career There’s Still Hope For Job Seekers Over 50 Age No Real Factor by Janita Singh, News Local  Finding a new job can be a challenge for the over 50s. They’re competing against more degree-qualified youngsters and other Baby Boomers taking longer to retire.But there’s hope.Jane Jackson, career management coach and author of Amazon bestseller Navigating Career Crossroads, says it’s not all ‘out with the old and in with the new.’“The challenge for older workers is learning how to overcome the perceived drawbacks of being a mature-age worker,” Jackson says.To prepare for a successful job search, over 50s should keep abreast of technology and have an open mind.She says it is important to identify the strengths demanded in the marketplace, address skills sets and take steps to gain the training/up skilling required.“It is essential that they gain and maintain the skills in demand and understand what is a good cultural fit for the role they target,” she says.“The key is t o demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence, flexibility, positivity and strong relevant technical and soft skills.”Self-employment is another option to consider.“Rather than hoping that an employer will ‘pick them’ they could decide to ‘pick themselves’ by setting up their own business,” she says.Jackson says that as part of the 2015 budget initiatives, the government launched the Restart Program to help ageing workers.“This is a wage subsidy that’s paid to employers to help mature age people into the workplace. Concurrently it encourages employers to expand their business and benefit from the wealth of experience mature age workers bring,” she says.For more details: Go to or www.navigatingcareercrossroads.comThis article was featured in all the Sydney News Local papers in March 2016: Mosman Daily, Blacktown Advocate, Northern District Times, Hillshire Times, Penrith Press, Parramatta Advertiser, Canterbury Bankstown Express, Ro use Hill Times, Hornsby Advocate, Liverpool Leader, MacArther Chronicle, Mt Druitt St Marys Evening Standard, Fairfield Advance.Heres how to find your Dream Job! The 7 Steps CAREERS Program is designed to guide you through EVERY step you need to take to get a job in this series of 7 training videos. Click this link for all the details:

Friday, May 8, 2020

Last chance to make me an offer I cant refuse! - When I Grow Up

Last chance to make me an offer I cant refuse! - When I Grow Up Alright, Im shutting down the birthday offer tonight, so get those applications in! Heres a reminder of how it works: You fill out the application  below  along with the structure of the coaching you want and the investment you can make. If youre unsure of the structure, just tell me the investment and leave it up to me! I should be able to craft it based on my availability + your desired results. Ill review all the apps tomorrow morning and respond to the immediate Yes by the afternoon.  If you dont hear from me then, though, dont despair! I might be back with more Yes on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Regardless, youll get a personal response from me by Jan 25th. Win-win! Remember:   I only have space  for a handful of Yes’, so make the offer the best you can.   Need help with the structure you might want? Here are some ideas: a coaching duo, where  you buddy with a likeminded friend for some business-clarity-and-launching work a cluster of 3 monthly sessions, enough to get clarity and craft a plan for a career goal while getting built-in accountability a coaching intensive day, where we  work together one-on-one for 3 hours. This could lead to biz clarity + a mission statement and website/offer outline, easy. I’ll bring the markers, colored pencils, washi tape, food + fun â€" you bring your brain and a notebook.  Note: this would take place at my office in South Orange, NJ a 40 minute train ride from NYC. a 75-minute follow-up session to get some personal attention after taking my online workshop(s)  or 2-hour planning session. What choo waiting for? I may not do a birthday offer again and if I do, it wont happen til my next birthday, duh and I  might not open up my one-on-one coaching calendar again ’til the fall. (!). Its worth taking a few minutes to fill out the questions below ASAP (dont forget to make your offer, too!) and see how/if I can help you bring your dream business to life! UPDATE: My birthday offer is now closed the app is down til the big 4-0 on Jan 14th 18. Thanks for making this another success, guys!